Audience Theory 19.11.20
1) Call Of Duty Modern warfare: 16 Years old. The game depicts war in a graphic but glorified way. Consumers know what the content inside holds but a lot of the time younger ages play these games for fun and enjoyment as well. Zelda Links awakening: 8 Years old. This game is a child friendly fantasy adventure that does have violence just not to the degree or extent of Call of Duty or Red Dead which also have action/violence within its contents. Red Dead Redemption: 18 Years old: This game contains brutal gameplay with nothing being held back. It goes into more detail with its violence giving it a more realistic effect then Call of duty has or most other action/violent games. Pokemon: 8 years old: This game is targeted to younger audience with vibrant and colourful gameplay with violence having less of an impact. Kim Kardashian Hollywood: 10 Years old: This game tries to introduce the consumer to the lifestyle of a Hollywood model and tries to display the glamourous lifestyle...