Social Learning Theory

1) 1 = Agree with the most. 4 = disagree with the most
  1. Uses and Gratifications Theory
  2. Two step flow model
  3. Hyperdermic needle Theory
  4. Dependency theory 
2) 1 = agree with the most. 10 = disagree with the most

1. The real people in our life (friends, family) will always have far more influence over us
than something we see on the internet

2.Trying to restrict media products from certain audiences is impossible in the digital age

3.Primary school children shouldn’t be playing ultra-realistic violent videogames due to
the psychological effects on their developing minds

4.People who commit horrendous crimes such as gun massacres would be violent
regardless of the media they consume

5.Audiences are more intelligent and less easily led than Bandura’s social learning theory

6.Social learning theory demonstrates why age restrictions on media products are so

7.Taking out your aggression on videogames such as Call of Duty or GTA means you are
less likely to commit violent acts in real life

8.Small children spend too much time on YouTube

9.As digital media consumption has grown in the last 20 years, violent crime has fallen –
which suggests the media isn’t the catalyst for violence in society.

10.Social media and screen time means young people are spending less time drinking or
taking drugs – so the positive influence of digital media outweighs any negative effects.

3) 1. I agree with this statement the most as i believe whatever goes on in your personal life will have more of an impact then something like a violent video game. People vicariously learn things through family more then anything the media shows because the people in our family usually contains our mentors/idols who we look up to and aim to be so a violent act in that environment would effect a person more then there media consumption.

2. This era makes it extremely difficult to hide information that we don't like people looking at as theirs very few ways to absolutely stop people from gaining knowledge about a media product with the increasing number of ways for people to get to peoples data.

3. I don't believe primary school children should be playing ultra realistic violent video games as it may have an impact on there behavioural view when it comes to treating people in this world and understanding certain consequences for certain actions.

4) I disagree with 10 the most as it simply disregards the fact that almost everyone uses social media now but that doesn't mean people aren't still taking drugs or other things that have an impact on there health. The more time spent on social media may create the same unhealthy relationship that they have with stuff like drugs and create an addiction. 



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