Genre task

 1) The example given to prove why iconography is an important part in genre was Western type films and Western type shows since they share the same elements to make both these types of media recognisable to the audience regardless of they're differences. 

2) When using narrative to identify a genre you need to look more into detail to find the choices and options while looking as to why they made it. Did the majority of a certain genre also make these decisions as well. An example for this would be when reading a magazine or newspaper (one is more light hearted and the other is more political/serious)

3) The difference between action movie heroes and disaster movie heroes is that action heroes are mostly isolated from other characters while the disaster hero will be within a group of people standing out and taking this role. They also collaborate to survive there current ordeal but the action hero is usually shown to be a lone wolf type of character.

4) Bordwell categorized films in 6 different ways: Period or country, Director/Star, Technical process, Style, Series and audience.

5) Genre is used by an audience by in 3 ways:                                                                                                  1.Prior knowledge: They used this because they use their past knowledge to participate in what to expect.                                                                                                                                                2.Compare the texts to similar and shared characteristics.                                                                        3.Able to know if they are going to like the film just by knowing its genre.

6) Genre is used by the producers in 3 ways:   

  1. Production: The producer must follow a set of rules if they want to make a certain genre (e.g. An action film having must have fight scenes of some kind)
  2. Attracting an audience: People can be loyal to certain genres and may watch a movie just because its in that genre.
  3. Marketing texts: Film trailers attempt to show as many codes and conventions from a genre as possible                                                                                              

7) An example of how film genres can evolve is gangster films. This genre focuses on groups of criminals and are about the raging conflict of the police against these criminals. This themes are usually kept but they take a more modern approach towards it now within our current films.

Super heroes

1) The movies the fact sheet refers to are X-men, The Avengers, Spider-man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Agents of shield.

2)One of the examples they used for showing how the superhero genre changes its values as the world changes its ideologies is Superman. During the 1940's he battled against European bad guys who threatened Metropolis. This was 1 year after WW2 where the US saw the war as a European issue that they were getting involuntarily getting pushed into but were ready to defend themselves and there values if necessary. However at 1930 superman battled against Lex Luther (A wealthy business man) this was during a great depression where they blamed greedy capitalists giving America an anti corporate feeling when it came to its recent media. 

3) Schatzs theory is applied to the super hero genre as they innovate the visual codes from the comics they were derived from. By the 1950 this genre was seen to be in its classical stage. Producers made the Batman (1966) intentionally funny in order to parody the codes and conventions of his comics and character, it also had self awareness allowing the audience to be able to laugh at these stereotypes. They deconstruct the genre itself and repackage it into something new and in line with current time,  Superman (1978) created a lot more realistic visuals for the audience and took its narratives as seriously as the classical era allowing the producers to start innovating again and eventually the cycle will restart. 

Personal Genre Analysis                                                                                                     (Spider-man 2 2004)

1)I chose this movie as it would be my favourite movie inside this genre.

2) I watched it when I was very young and on a DVD with my family.

3) It could have glamorised the film in my memory and it could have shaped my perspective of all films in the superhero genre since I was very young when i first watched the movie and I have mostly enjoyed the films in this genre.

4) I initially thought it was just an action movie.

5) Personally I like to watch films in this genre for the simple fact that is a super hero movie.

6) The film has themes of responsibility and sacrifice. Our dreams can cause obsession and sometimes its better to let go of this obsession then let it take root in your entire life.

7)I would say its a pretty typical movie inside the genre with its usual codes and conventions. 

8) I believe most texts in the superhero genre are usually pretty entertaining.

9) i havent found any formal generic labels for this

10) The labels others have given this text are usually something to do with action and drama

11)The convention i found in this movie is the usual self righteous main character.

12)This movie doesn't exactly twist the conventions inside this genre it just goes more in depth with the main character balancing both sides of they're life and what there life would be like without his abilities. 

13)It departs from the main conventions of this genre when the protagonist loses his abilities and starts to live a normal life that seems to be better without the other side of his life.

14)They have certain themes from a drama and action movie. When they delve into his life problems it fits the criteria for a drama but during the dramatic fight scenes they delve more into an action movies territory 

15) The continued motif throughout the movie is of sacrifice

Mode of Address 

1) This movie was aimed towards people 10 and above. I would say this is a usual target audience for the superhero genre as they try to aim to get all types of ages.

2) The movie addresses me through its plot and down to earth characters

3) It assumes we enjoy the super hero genre in all its glory 

4)The movie also assumes that we're working class and that we struggle with this life style with all its difficulties.

5) It definitely assumes we're interested action.

Relationship to other Texts

1)It takes the usual super hero lifestyle with a little more relatability.

2) Action super hero with a bit of drama.

3) This text shares the conflict between good and evil while adding the difficulties of having a double life.

4) A major difference from this film is that it focuses a lot more on the characters secret identity and how easier one side of his life would be if he sacrificed the other part of him.



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