
Showing posts from April, 2021

Advertising: Gauntlett and masculinity

 1) The examples Gauntlett uses for the decline of tradition were the traditional view of women being only seen as a house wife and the masculine ideals of self reliance, emotional silence and absolute toughness being shaken apart. 2) The media plays an important role in constructing our identities through things like magazines, television, songs, etc. These all provide a type of guidance on how we should live our life through the myriad of suggestions. This is due to the social world not being confident in its traditions and as such are more prone to search to form there "experimental life" through popular media. 3) Gauntlett suggests that generational differences may be due to the elderly's devotion to tradition and rejection of modernity. People over 65's are less likely to be consuming media from magazines or be the key audience for pop music sensations. Furthermore they're also more likely to be less tolerant of homosexuality and less sympathetic to unmarried...

Score hair cream Case Study

 1) Advertising techniques changed in the 1963 through the advertising agencies relying less on market research and leaning more towards creative instinct to plan there campaigns. They attempted to win over audiences with humour, candour and above all irony. 2) The representations of women found in post war advertisements had sexism on a much grander scale. One of the adverts had a women unable to open a bottle of ketchup which implies that during that time people believed women were incapable of doing the smallest things for themselves. Advertisements were targeted towards the breadwinner of families and mocked females through most of the adverts. 3) In the Score hair cream advert they create meaning through there characters pose. The females carry the man above them as if he's the prize from a hunt (Further emphasised through there safari costumes), some of them even reach out towards him as if hes an untouchable figure of great importance. It could also be seen as the man being ...

Final Index

Introduction to Media Media Consumption Audit Semiotics Reading an image Reception Theory Genre Narrative  Psychographics presentation October assessment LR Audience Theory 1 Audience theory 2 Industries: Ownership and Control Cultural industries Public Service Broadcasting Regulation Introduction to representation Feminism Feminist Theory Identity in the online age Ideology

Cultural Blog task

 1) Cultural Industry:An economic field thats concerned with producing reproducing storing and distributing Cultural goods and services on industrial and commercial terms. It refers to the creation, production and distributions of a cultural or artistic nature 2) Hesmondhalgh says that cultural industries are highly profitable with societies that tend to support the conditions where large companies and their political allies make money. They're especially profitable when there are high production and low reproduction costs. 3) Some media products offer ideologies that challenge capitalism or inequalities in society as it allows that company to connect with some of the audiences beliefs. This as a result helps them to compete with various other businesses 4) Hesmondhalgh identified a few problems with regards to the cultural industry such as it being a risky business-failure happens very often which can deter people who cant account for the costs but success is truly rewarding. Anot...

Industries Ownership and Control

  Media Conglomerate Research 1) Walt Disney is a mass media entertainment conglomerate that owns several other companies (e.g. Marvel studios,20th Century Fox, etc). It was founded on the 16th of october 1923 by Walt and Roy O Disney. Walt Disney diversifies themselves by reaching out with there media products/animation/entertainment and expanding them into things like theme parks and resorts. Disney continues to extend the companies it owns to both diversify there products and stretch itself to new audiences. 2) I believe that the government should find some way of preventing companies from completely dominating an industry. This can create a harsh environment where only the people at the top benefit greatly. It not only hurts other companies and puts them in an almost impossible position to compete it also causes consumers to not be able to consume a variety of different types of media within that industry. However, these companies wouldn't be able to have been that dominant if ...

October assessment LR

 1) WWW: Some very concise, perceptive analysis                                                                                                 EBI: More reference to the text themselves and more comprehensive answers 2) For Q1 I could have wrote more about the action codes with what his stereotypical appearance might represent for the future of the narrative. For Q2 i should have elaborated more around the font styles and why they use different ones for each poster.  Neale's theory would have been a good way to explain why genre is important on Q3. Q4 I didnt talk to about how stereotypical the magazine was when it came to the black community.  3) Question 1: The gun and its setting being an urban estate suggests that this media text i...