Cultural Blog task

 1) Cultural Industry:An economic field thats concerned with producing reproducing storing and distributing Cultural goods and services on industrial and commercial terms. It refers to the creation, production and distributions of a cultural or artistic nature

2) Hesmondhalgh says that cultural industries are highly profitable with societies that tend to support the conditions where large companies and their political allies make money. They're especially profitable when there are high production and low reproduction costs.

3) Some media products offer ideologies that challenge capitalism or inequalities in society as it allows that company to connect with some of the audiences beliefs. This as a result helps them to compete with various other businesses

4) Hesmondhalgh identified a few problems with regards to the cultural industry such as it being a risky business-failure happens very often which can deter people who cant account for the costs but success is truly rewarding. Another problem is that the cultural industry sometimes lacks creativity as a lot of businesses in the industry will just stick to reproducing the same product rather then changing it(Creativity vs commerce).

5) Cultural industries are risky businesss for the companies involved as this risk stems from consumption and is made worse by 2 factors. Firstly limited autonomy granted to symbol creators in the hopes that they create something distinct and original. Secondly cultural businesses are reliant on other companies to make audiences aware of the existence of a new product.

6) I believe media products should focus more about artistic expression. When creating a product i believe a persons own personal beliefs and values should be shown and emphasised in its production without a care for monetary gain. However, I do know this is an impossibility, profit allows producers to keep creating and in order to do that they must at least focus partially on making a profit or being sustainable.

7) Hesmondhalgh believes that companies try to minimise there risks and maximise there profits by "throwing mud onto the wall to see what sticks" as it helps them understand what products consumers want and what do they currently not want.

8) I believe the creative minds behind media products should be rewarded for there work with far more acknowledgement and praise as they are the creators that find the demands in that market

9) From watching the podcast you can see that the visual effects studio suffered despite the success of the media product. This was due to the company going through bankruptcy and cutting ties with the studio to lower its costs. With this decision the company was able to reduce its costs but the studio most likely wasn't as compensated for they're work as they should have been.

10) Commodification is the action or process of treating something as a mere commodity(useful or valuable thing).

11) I agree with the statement that "theres a huge number of media texts that fail to reflect the diversity of people or opinion in wider society" as a lot of media products aren't made with the intention to have great meaning and are simply shallow with a lack of passion.

12) Hesmondhalgh stated the three most important developments of the cultural industry are:

  1. Digitalisation-The habits and ideologies of consumers have been drastically changed due to technology which has allowed them to connect with the world.
  2. Advertising- Advertising services are spread across almost every media platform due to digitalisation.
  3. Cultural text transformation- Producers have become more prone to experiment with genres and media techniques leading to more hybridity.


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