Media paper 1 LR
WWW: Fairly solid answers throughout, concisely written. EBI: More detailed, comprehensive responses needed especially with regard to textual analysis and providing examples.
2) Points for the first three questions
- The typography on the advert is all Sans serif. Offering connotations of a more youthful modern brand especially when when the campaign encourages the audience to make this there first Swiss watch.
- Swiss eagle: Has an emphasis on youth. The advert seems to simultaneously be representative of 21st century masculinity while also nodding to traditional male dominance. Score Hair Cream: hyper masculine view/emphasis on traditional hegemonic ideals.
- The videos setting explicitly connects to the social issues (evident by the lyrics "institution isn't just a building") with political perspectives
3) Benefits of vertical integration are greater control of the production process and also being able to have lower costs and higher profits. Diversification is when a media company branches out into a different area of the media industry.(E.g. Major companies like Disney have had to diversify themselves into streaming to remain market leaders)
4) Impact of new technology on distribution (including BBTL). Social media was a significant aspect of marketing with strong presences on youtube, twitter etc. New technology has reduced the cost of production, distribution and marketing due to the rise in digital editing and social media. Streaming has changed the way audiences watch films and are becoming increasingly prevalent meaning cinema exhibition is struggling to retain its relevance and influence in the industry.
5) Three things i plan to revise for is definitely industry terminology (e.g. Diversification), Music video (the black atlantic) and lastly representation theorists.
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