OSP Introduction Clay Shirky

 1) Bill Thompson states that one of the positive developments created by the internet is the access to a way to talk to hundreds of thousands of other users around the world. The net is open to innovation like email, the web, Spotify or snapchat.

2) Some of the dangers that are linked to the development of the internet is the fact that the network doesn't care what the data means or how its used. Its next to impossible to stop spam or abuse. This side of the network will always exist.

3) Open technology refers to the belief/idea that people want an open society based around the principle of equality and free expression. People want very few restrictions and constraints on the platforms they access.

4) Some of the challenges and questions that Bill Thompson had for the future of the internet is that we cannot simply pull down the walls to the unimpeded and expect no consequences. We could choose the apparent safety of a closed network and a closed society. 

5) I believe they're shouldn't be more control over the use of the internet. The internet is a tool that can and has helped many people but if we were to add restrictions to it the internet might not be as useful as it once was. People should just try to be more aware of how people can use the internet and warn and disapprove of certain actions.

Clay Shirky: Here comes everybody

1) Shirky defines a profession as: it exists to solve a hard problem, one that requires some kind of specialisation. Most professions exist because there is a scarce resource that requires ongoing management.

2) The permanently important question for newspapers is how society will be informed on the news of the day. The newspaper used to be a good answer to that question but it was always dependent on what solutions are available to the audience which the internet is far more accessible then newspapers.

3) Trent Lotts speach in 2002 became news because people found that his statement was offensive and his apology was what most news outlets decided to focus on.  They didn't cover his statement as there was no immediate reaction to what he said.

4) Mass amateurisation refers to the capabilities that new forms of media have given to non-professionals. Its a result of the radical spread of expressive capabilities. 

5) Shirky suggests that: "The same idea, published in dozens or hundreds of places, can have an amplifying effect that outweighs the verdict from the smaller number of professional outlets". This can be related to our current media landscapes "fake news" since the audience may be able to be more assertive with they're perspectives it can lead to false information being spread around.

6) The social effects due to technological changes has left the world in the midst of an internet revolution with people not even talking to people in person and prefer to do it online.

7) Shirky states that "Anyone can be a publisher and anyone can be a journalist". Hes trying to explain how technology has allowed any consumer to become a producer and take up the mantles of professionals. This is important as audiences now have far more freedom then they used to and can even replace previous jobs that required specialisation.

8) Clay Shirky suggested that the hundred years that followed the printing press revolution was a period intellectual and political chaos that ended only in the 1600. 

9) Photography is a good example of mass amateurization as almost everyone has the ability to take a photo from they're phone and basically become a "photographer" in a sense. The consumer can basically easily become a producer.

10) I believe this "end of audience" is a good thing as it opens way to a new landscape for the way industries/producers and consumers interact as people can now become producers quite easily and at the same time give companies more input on they're opinions and perspectives using new digital media platforms.


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