Teen Vogue audience and representation
1) Teen Vogues mission statement is to educate enlighten and empower they're audience to create a more inclusive environment. This already shows that one of the audience pleasures that they're audience will gain by consuming they're media is surveillance, personal relationship and identity.
2) Teen Vogue's target audience seems to be teenage female reformers and explorers who reside within gen z or millennial's. They're audience contains 63% of millenials/gen z.
3) Some of the audience pleasures gained by Teen Vogues readership are surveillance, personal relationship and identity. These pleasures aren't that different compared to magazines since they both offer the same information but just onto a new format thats available to everyone.
4) The political stories that Teen Vouge publishes are supposed to create some kind of controversy. Audiences are placed in a position to agree with they're perspective or at the least create some kind of conflict with they're current one.
5) Teen Vouge tries to get the audience to interact with they brand through various ways. Social media is they're main way of interacting/responding to they're audience with them announcing events and summits through they're social media platforms.
1) The Tentpoles and Editorial Pillars suggest that Teen Vogues audience are heavily interested in politics and aspire to be activists through slacktivism.
2) Sexuality and gender identity are represented as highly important by Teen Vogue with them encouraging consumers to express themselves whether it be through they're fashion or simply by talking about it on social media.
3) Teen Vogue both reinforces and subverts the typical representations of beauty in Teen Vogue. The models within there usually where makeup and photoshop they're bodies to make them look more appealing. They do however try to be more inclusive with this notion with them representing different ethnicities
4) The patriarchy is a system of society in which men are seen as superior.
5) Teen Vogue reinforces the typical stereotypes of celebrities through its online magazine as they present they're lifestyle as glamourous and dramatic with almost every decision that a celebrity makes being some type of statement to the world.
1) Teen Vogues op-ed on Donald trump was received extremely well with social media exploding with praise and baffled reactions. Some people said "Big words for a magazine about hairstyles and celebrity gossip" and others said "who would have guessed that Teen Vogue might be the future of political news".
2) Newspapers and magazines have typically targeted news by gender with women attending and graduating journalism school more often than men since the 1970s. By 2010 64% of J-school graduates were female.
3) This gender bias is still illustrated in our modern landscape with how in 2015 65% of political journalists, 67% of criminal justice reporters and 62% of reporters covering "business and economics" were male. Even in this lifestyle section women can only seem to pull even; the gender split is 50/50.
4) Jezebel seem to have a huge role to play when representing women's magazines as they attempt to cover a variety of topics like combined politics and feminism with fashion and celebrity gossip.
5) I agree with the writer on the fact that people can enjoy celebrity news and beauty tips alongside hard hitting political perspectives as Teen Vogue themselves seems to be an example of this possibility with they're success proving that this hybridity of genre is what people want and will pay for to consume this type of media.
6) The writer suggests that feminists used to be presented in the media as comical with people separating serious journalism from feminist journalism. There perspectives and opinions were disregarded till they made themselves heard.
7) The modern representation of feminism is a lot more widely accepted by the general public and people are able to be more vocal about issues regarding feminism in general. Feminism has become an act of change.
8) The two contrasting audience pleasures that Teen Vogue provides is diversion and surveillance. Diversion as they're able to gain entertainment from the celebrity gossip and surveillance from the political perspectives they provide.
9) This can be linked to Clay Shirky's "End of Audience" as Teen Vogue has been able to inspire other female journalists (consumers) to speak out about feminism through Teen Vogue (producers).
10) I believe that websites and magazines aimed at women may keep on tackling hard hitting topics that effect people in general. Trump seems to only be the starting point for magazines and the media in general and they might just continue on this road they've set out to criticise people of political importance.
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